We have become word detectives this week as students looked for multiple ways to study words. Even hard unknown words hold clues through their prefixes and affixes. This week 4th and 5th grade are using this knowledge to scientifically name their own creations from lab experiments gone wrong to strange newly discovered animals.
Students determined this hard word was the study of secret animals. |
What is related to graph?
They turned these word discussions into their own creations. 4th grade created and named a science lab experiment gone wrong and 5th grade discovered and named their own dinosaurs.
The sherbet and taco eating dinosaur Magnumcrintitus dinosourum quadsimilia palicia et habet sorditaeetiuts rubrumethabet nonextincti et consumit cibem I hope I got that all right. They were very happy it was so long! |
Brazilliensis A... |
Grassilgastro Curvispiniposterio Lava eating, spiny backed creature |
Orcaderm - skinkiller Elephant toothpaste is a potion that can burn your skin. |
How can names show related animals? Unicospi cerculamacula, pocelias unifaceraptor, and triceraraptor The one horned dinos are related and the raptors are related differently. |
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